Tuesday, February 12, 2013

CC# :3 Woman Died from Drinking 10 liters of Coke a Day

In the Article "Woman Died from Drinking 10 liters of Coke a day " the authors purpose in the document is very clear in showing large consumption of any substance, including food or water even, can be at risk to your health. The extremely large amount of Coke this woman was consuming caused serious heart problems and eventually lead to her death in 2010. The cause of death was just now found.

" Natasha Harris went into cardiac arrest in February 2010 and died at the age of 30." Her family said she was addicted to the soda and could not function without her fix for the day every day. Harris's family even said she would have withdraws without the caffeine rich soda causing her to shake. Her teeth had to be removed do to all the decay the soda caused on her teeth. "At least one of Harris’ eight children was born without enamel on his or her teeth, because of the mother’s addiction."

"The excessive consumption of Coca-Cola caused cardiac arrhythmia, which means the heart beats too fast or too slow, according to Coroner David Crerar." I can only imagine how she could handle so much of anything in such a short period of time. Crerar says that much soda is equivalent to more than two pounds of sugar and 970 milligrams of caffeine every day.

"Coca-Cola has argued it’s product cannot be linked to Harris’ death" and says that large consumption of anything is dangerous to your health. "Last year, in a statement to The Southland Times newspaper, a Coca-Cola representative said that grossly excessive ingestion of any food product, including water,  could be harmful. " Even water ?

This reminds me that I need to cut back on my soda consumption and to never forget to forget to brush my teeth. Ive had problems with to much caffeine myself and I know how bad the withdraws really are. People all over the world need to cut back and sugar and as a result their would be a lot of un happy kids but much more healthier teeth.

This woman drank 10 liters in one day every day! This act caused her death. How much do you drink?

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